Monday, August 10, 2009

uh... hungry?

My children have always been fantastic eaters. But my daughter in particular is something else. She will squawk like a teradactyl if she sees me headed to the fridge. It's her way of saying 'I'm hungry mama'. If I do not share what I happen to be eating I am deluged with a sea of tears. I do not know where she gets her appetite from. When I was single I could eat a pan of Rice Krispy squares for dinner. But now with a family I have to make wiser food choices, cooking from scratch. I have to tie Maiya to my back most of the time when I cook because otherwise she disappears and gets into everything and will start chewing on an old shoe or something.

This is what she ate in total yesterday in no particular order all cut up into bite sized pieces or smooshed up so she could feed herself... give or take the stuff that ended up in her hair or up her nose....

I cup of blueberries
handful of garbanzo beans
a few avocado wedges
1/2 sweet potato
2 zucchini rounds
3 pieces boiled broccoli flowers
3 cherries
1 boiled egg yolk
1 small roasted chicken drumstick
some plain full fat yogurt she mooched off of me
plus unlimited breastmilk from moi

Not bad for an 8 1/2 month old. I guess she is going through a growth spurt and burning lots of energy trying to take her first unassisted steps.

I am happy she is a good eater. She would make the boys at the firehouse proud.

There is a downside though. What goes in one end, must come out the other. And so lovely in cloth diapers. I cannot wait until this baby is potty trained.

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