Tuesday, July 21, 2009


I feel like a cow these days. Not like a fat cow but like a Jersey Milk or Charolais cow. Maiya is my calf. She is teething (she has 8 teeth now!) and hitting some major milestones like pulling herself up to stand and letting go and teetering for a second or two before toppling over. As such, she is on a feeding frenzy. And I have no idea how my poor boobs are keeping up (no pun intended because really, they are so pointed down). I weaned Jacob at 18 months because that boy would have nursed forever if I allowed him, so it looks like just a little over 9 more months of nursing (to be fair) although I really hope Maiya self-weans because I do not want to get back on the trucks with a breast pump packed along with my lunch and my bunker gear. No matter how cool my crewmates are I still get slightly embarrassed at the memory of storing my breast milk in a Nalgene bottle in the communal fridge at the firehall.

g'night... off to nurse.


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