Wednesday, August 18, 2010

day at the beach

Saturdays are Jacob days when I'm not on shift. This past weekend I thought we'd pack some snacks, take the train, and play tourist and head to the harbour. To our delight there were a zillion things to do:

Canoeing in a man-made pond:

Taking part in a drum circle: (Jacob had a blast and didn't want to stop)

After walking around for a few hours and watching the tall ships dock and the street buskers I was starving. Jacob wanted a hot dog but I convinced him we needed to sit in a fancy restaurant and enjoy the view. We found a nice Italian restaurant overlooking the lake and J had fun watching the chef make and cook his pizza in a wood oven. It was cute when he reminded the chef that he forgot to put on the pineapple. Here's J fine dining. Don't worry, the honkin' large glass of vino is mine, not his... :) He was as good as gold during the entire dinner and I was a proud mama when other diners commented on how well-behaved he was.

We walked off dinner and came across the police marine unit...

...and a man-made beach plunked above the shore-line with a great view.

We made it home with a very tired Jacob. He fell asleep in our hallway on the floor soon as he walked through our door. lol

Looking forward to when Maiya is a bit older and we can all spend entire days romping around exploring the city but she naps 3 hours a day and besides, she is enjoying her Daddy time. Just love the post-nap hair and look on her face.... lol


  1. What a lovely day out with Jacob! I hear you, at this age, they're just wonderful to go out with!

    Great to see both of you had a great time!

  2. Yes, four is a great age. They just get it and are full of questions and are excited by the new things to see and do. Maiya is almost two, and although equally as excited doesn't understand that she can't have everything she sees. It's nice to have one on one time with J. They're both so much better behaved when they don't have to compete for attention. lol
