Thursday, August 18, 2011

Instead of trying to be happy, I look for moments of happiness throughout the day. Today my children and I found a lavendar bush in the heart of downtown so that was something to smile about. Some days the moments linger longer than others. Other days I have to dig really deep. I will dig all the way to China if I have to, anything to stop me from falling into the abyss of depression. I keep telling myself that I am in a tunnel, not a hole. And at some point I will make my way through to see daylight on the other side. And although I give in to the tears, I refuse to become bitter. There is no room in my heart for that.

Time marches on.


  1. LOL.. dig all the way to China. I remember a kid, I honestly thought I could dig myself into another country.

    You're right. Look out for those reminders that make you smile. They're always there...


  2. How' you holding up? It's been a while. R U OK?
